Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Polar Express Day!

 We filled out the "departing from" section on our tickets..
 Waiting in line to board!
 A few of our friends shouting, "SANNNTTA!"
 Austin enjoyed his hot chocolate and marshmallows!
 Hampton is snug as a bug!
 Mary Harper has the cutest PJ's!
Santa delivered magic bells to our class while we were away at P.E.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have had a FUN day before the Thanksgiving Holiday!
 We had a "Beauty Queen" come and read...
 We had SO much fun reading, I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie.
 Pete the Cat ALWAYS gives us a GREAT laugh!

We also made a turkey with our handprint!

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Mayflower has landed at Dean Road!

 This Pilgrim was working hard on his "Sticker Story" in Work on Writing
 Kelsey and Elle Palin are hard at work in Work Work! Such lovely Pilgrim ladies!
Enjoying our Thanksgiving Feast with the Native Americans.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Austin is our STAR Student!

Austin is so excited that he was named "Star Student" for the Character Trait, Dependable.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Visit from the Raptor Center

Last week, we were very fortunate enough to have a visit from Auburn University's Raptor Center.
Throughout last week, we learned all about nocturnal animals.
To see all of these amazing birds up close was SO exciting to the children!
They loved it!!

 The Bald Eagle was the class favorite!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ten Apples Up on Top!

Today, we had the best time reading and interacting with the Dr. Seuss book, Ten Apples Up On Top!
We made the story come to life and we learned about counting and adding apples using dice!

Zeph has 5 apples up on top!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Community Helpers!

Last Friday, our class, along with Ms. Mitchell's class, had a special visitor from Gulf Power come and teach us all about electricity and how to be safe around electricity!
We were all "geared" up with our hard hats on!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Button Box

This week, we read The Button Box by Margarette S. Reid

An imaginative little boy explores the many pleasures that can be found in - and made from - his grandmother's button box. He sorts the buttons by color, shape, material, and the amount of holes.
We then sorted our very OWN Button Box!
Check it out!


Welcome to a NEW Kindergarten year!

Ms. Donahoo is so EXCITED to begin our journey together!
Welcome to our Class Blog.
This blog will be updated weekly. Check it out to see homework calendars, pictures of your child learning, and other fun materials!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Career Day at Dean Road!

 Mr. Holmes showing off the tractor!
 John Deere Tractor!
 Auburn Fire Department showing how they put their gear on.

 A few friends INSIDE the firetruck!
 Ryan was VERY interested in the inside of the police car.
 Easton loved the big green tractor.
Cash was a buisness partner!