Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day fun!

 In Math today, we counted and graphed the different marshmallows found in Lucky Charms.
 Hugh had the most moons to graph.
 Leprechaun hats!
 After P.E., we came back to find our room was made into a HUGE mess...

Friday, March 14, 2014

Our visit from a Meterologist!

 Dana Barker from WLTZ came to speak to us about how the news gets their reports on the weather!


 Jacquez, Cash, and CJ are measuring a block using links.
 Hadley, Mohini, and E'nyviah are measuring how long Hadley is using our "Foot Long Feet."
Sara Beth and Carter are measuring the length of the table.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Star Belly Sneetches!

Today, we read The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss. We learned that this story teaches us, it doesn't matter what you look like "or have on your belly" that matters. What matters is that you are always a good friend to everyone!
Carter, Mohini, Grayson, and Easton are poking out their bellies to show off their stars!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A little bit of game playing..

We had the BEST time playing some of our CVC Board Games, today! Mohini, Kaylob, Easton, and Christopher Allen played the board focusing on the final sound in a word!