Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ms. Donahoo's Class is 100 Days SMARTER!

We have had a VERY exciting day celebrating the 100th Day of School! Magically, over night we all aged to 100 years old!!! Today was so cute, so fun, and many memories were made! Take a look at all the fun things we did using the special number, 100!

 Building 100 Fruit Loop Necklaces!

 Counting out 10 groups of 10 for our 100th Day Snack Mix!
 Working hard to build a 100 Cup Structure!
 Jayden, Sara Beth, Hugh, and CJ used ALL 100 cups!
 Zero the Hero made a special appearance!

 Zero the Hero needed help placing the numbers in order by ten all the way to 100!

 Silly Grandmas and Grandpas!

 "Showing their age" in the Parade this morning!

 My silly BUNCH!
Easton is looking good for 100!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Celebrating MLK!

We read a few non-fiction stories about Dr. King. One of them being Martin's Big Words. It was really precious to hear their sweet hearts talking about how sad it must have been to live in a world where ALL people weren’t treated equally. We brainstormed words and phrases to sum up what we learned about MLK.
 We also did this awesome egg activity to teach diversity. I showed them a brown egg and a white egg and we talked about the similarities and differences between the two. The only big difference being color. Then we broke the two eggs, and I asked them if they could tell which yolk was from the brown and which was from the white. Of course, no one could tell! One student even shared that "we all have the same heart". So sweet, I know.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Our Snowman MELTED!

Yesterday, we shaved ice and built a Snowman! Throughout the day, we watched and documented as it melted!! It was very exciting! We discussed the season of Winter and the temperature it needed to be in order to keep our Snowman alive! We recorded like REAL "Scientists".
We built our Snowman in Mrs. Bryan's classroom along with Miss Albright's class and Mrs. Lett's class.

The beginning of our Snowman

The kids COULD NOT wait to check on him!


By the end of the day, our Snowman was completely water!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Measuring with Connecting Cubes!

During Math Workshop Centers, Sara Beth measured Carter using Connecting Cubes!
Carter is 64 cubes long!

Monday, January 6, 2014

EXCITING Science Experiments!

Today, we had the opportunity to have two amazing scientists come and do experiments about the Phases of Matter! 
 First, we learned about how a good scientist always asks important questions. The most important question is, "Why?' By teaching this, he showed water "sticking" to a string as he poured it out of a beaker.
 Salma demonstrated how liquid evaporates after boiling. The liquid in the container started in the bottom and the heat from her hand sent the liquid to the top. (As shown)
 Things got REALLY exciting here as Mrs. Valeri poured Liquid Nitrogen into a beaker. It began to bubble...
 After she poured the Liquid Nitrogen into the beaker they placed a balloon on top. The gas began to fill the balloon.

Making soapy bubbles

Thank you Mr. Lipke and Mrs. Valeri for such a WONDERFUL learning experience!!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

Kaylob is going to "Knock Socks off" in 2014 by "reading".

Ryan LOVED our fun Penguin New Year's math game!

New Year's Resolutions!

Today, we read Squirrel's New Year's Resolution. Squirrel's quest for a New Year's resolution leads to good dead and many thoughts for children wanting to learn about what a resolution is and how to create one of their own!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Blog is up!

In Miss Donahoo's Kindergarten Class, we are learning with love and laughter... every child, every chance, everyday day...shaping lives and inspiring our futures!