Monday, January 6, 2014

EXCITING Science Experiments!

Today, we had the opportunity to have two amazing scientists come and do experiments about the Phases of Matter! 
 First, we learned about how a good scientist always asks important questions. The most important question is, "Why?' By teaching this, he showed water "sticking" to a string as he poured it out of a beaker.
 Salma demonstrated how liquid evaporates after boiling. The liquid in the container started in the bottom and the heat from her hand sent the liquid to the top. (As shown)
 Things got REALLY exciting here as Mrs. Valeri poured Liquid Nitrogen into a beaker. It began to bubble...
 After she poured the Liquid Nitrogen into the beaker they placed a balloon on top. The gas began to fill the balloon.

Making soapy bubbles

Thank you Mr. Lipke and Mrs. Valeri for such a WONDERFUL learning experience!!!

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